Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Intro, Revisited

So we're going to watch and chronicle IMDB's bottom 100 movies; we have already watched one of them already. (Oh, god, did we ever.) Given all that, it might be prudent to note this: Of the two of us who'll be watching all these movies, I am not the one with any sort of background in film. I forget important plot elements moments after they occur; I never learn the names of characters; I go take smoke breaks halfway through and then get distracted and forget I was watching a film in the first place. Writing about these movies is going to be an interesting exercise, since I'm not sure I'll be able to actually summarize any of the plots.

On the other hand, I am ripe for punishment and I learned how to make animated .gifs. I figure that about evens things out. So: Shall we? (Hell yes.)

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