Friday, May 18, 2007


I'm not sure how it started. Maybe it was when we both signed up for Netflix accounts within a week of each other, even though we live in the same house. Maybe it was when I had to walk out of a screening of the unspeakably bad "Ator: the Fighting Eagle." (Check out the circa-2001 Swift comments on IMDB!) But somehow, we got it in our heads to do the unthinkable: watch and write about the entirety of the IMDB Bottom 100 (as of May 18, 2007).

Larry the Cable Guy. Paris Hilton. Shaquille O'Neal. Jamie Kennedy. Hulk Hogan. Icons of cinema all.

Here at Turkey Time, we'll subject ourselves to the worst of the worst. You'll laugh. You'll cry. If you're Uwe Boll, you'll probably challenge us to a fistfight. But we're in this for the long haul. We're going to watch every single one of the 100 worst films of all time, however long it takes. Not that we have any idea where we're going to find copies of "Dünyayi kurtaran adam'in oglu" or "Keloglan kara prens'e karsi".

We hope you enjoy the ride. It's turkey time. Gobble, gobble.

1 comment:

Bryan H said...
